ACTIVITY: Gratitude

Posted by Andrew Montoya on 3/27/2020 7:30:00 AM

Watch Kid President's 25 Reasons to Be Thankful video using the link below:

After watching the video, discuss the following with your child(ren):

  • Kid President starts by saying that, “some days are hard.” So he made this list of things he is thankful for. Why do you think that making or sharing that list helps on hard days?
  • Which thing on the list are you most grateful for today?
  • What would you add to the list today?
  • Kid President is grateful for a lot of different kinds of things. What did you notice about the categories he was thinking about when it came to Gratitude?
  • Why is writing out what you are grateful for important?

Share your child's and your own responses and experience with us on one of our social media pages!
