ACTIVITY: Positive Attitude
Posted by Andrew Montoya on 4/27/2020 7:30:00 AM
Watch "Jessica's 'Daily Affirmation'" using the link below:
Jessica is a four-year-old girl with a very positive attitude. In this video, she begins her morning affirmations of how great her life is. She states how everything is great and how much she loves everyone and everything in her life!
After watching the video, discuss the following with your child or children:
What in your life would you give daily affirmation to? Do you think you show your appreciation enough?
In what other ways can you show your daily appreciation for those you care about? How do others show their appreciation for you?
What are the benefits of positive affirmation?
What would be your “daily affirmation”?
Share your child's and your own responses and experience with us on one of our social media pages!