About Our SchoolSchool Mission
- At Carr Intermediate School, our schoolwide instructional focus is on writing expository text across the curriculum. Our goal at Carr is for each student to improve his or her score on the California Standards Tests and the Santa Ana Unified School District's Writing Proficiency Test by one level. We are working hard to make this happen, and our Academic Performance Index demonstrates this, with five consecutive years of significant growth. Carr is a school that is reaching new heights of academic performance!
- Foreign language(s) taught: Spanish.
- Dual immersion programs in Spanish.
- Special education programs designed specifically for students with language or speech impairment, specific learning disabilities, orthopedic impairments and visual impairments
Instructional Program Highlights
- Strong standards-based curriculum
- GATE (Gifted and Talented Education)
Activities and Sports
- Clubs and extra-curricular activities include: ASB, Academic Pentathlon, AstroTimes, Art, Yearbook, Club
- Sports include: Basketball, Track & Field, Volleyball
- After School support include: Math Center in English & Spanish, Homework Center
Parent and Community Support
- Carr parents and community members participate in our Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO)
- English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- School Site Council.
- Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts work with our students
- Three churches are active on our campus
Technology and Facilities
- 100% of classrooms are connected to the Internet.
- LCD Projectors & Elmo Document Cameras are in all classrooms
- This school was established between 1950-1959
- District provides transportation for special education students only
Safety, Discipline, and Support
- Safety and discipline-related resources include: Full-time security guards, hallway monitors
- Peer mediation or conflict resolution program
- After school or lunchtime detentions
Other Features and Highlights
- This school has an emphasis in mathematics and Writing Across the Curriculum.
- Regular classroom hours: 8:15 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
- Wednesday classroom hours: 8:15 A.M to 1:29 P.M. (Modified Day)
- Graduates typically go to: Valley High School, Godinez High School and Saddleback High School.
- Entering students typically come from: Harvey Elementary; Adams Elementary and Diamond Elementary.
- Almost all of the students at this school come from the neighborhood where the school is located.
Last Modified on August 13, 2017