• Physical Education Syllabus

    click link above for the google document of the syllabus

    M.I.T. Physical Education



    1. Follow the McFadden Institute of Technology rules. The way of the SCOTS!

    2. Respect yourself and others.

    3. Respect the property and rights of the teacher and students in the classroom.

    4. Be prepared and ready to work with a positive attitude everyday.


    Grade Breakdown:

    1. Participation 50%

    2. Running 30%

    3. Activities 20%



    1. Bring all proper materials to class daily.

    2. Be in class on time and ready to work and off your phones.

    3. If you miss a running assignment, you are responsible to make it up after school.

    4. Follow all rules.


    Grading Scale:

    A 90% - 100%

    B 80% - 89%

    C 70% - 79%

    D 60% - 69%

    F 59% or below



    1. Warning

    2. Intervention

    3. Detention

    4. Student Conference

    5. Student sent to Intervention provided by Administration.



    Communication is a crucial aspect to PE class. The best way to reach us is by email at

     nancy.gipson@sausd.us, jamie.caffrey@sausd.us, or jaime.chavez@sausd.us

    Please do not hesitate to ask questions about assignments or anything that needs clarification.



    1. PE clothes

    2. Athletic shoes

    3. Lock (to be used to lock personal locker door and keep belongings safe while in P.E.)

    4. Positive Attitude!

Last Modified on August 31, 2023