Cyber bullying Parent Resources
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.
Prevent Cyberbullying
Parents and kids can prevent cyberbullying. Together, they can explore safe ways to use technology.When cyberbullying happens, it is important to document and report the behavior so it can be addressed.Cyberbullying ResourcesCyberbullying awareness and PreventionEffects of Cyberbullying...no longer limited to schoolyards or street corners, modern-day bullying can happen at home as well as at school.Parents - Cyberbullying Research Center
Resources and strategies to help combat cyberbullying. The U.S.’s leading research center on causes, solutions and statistics on cyberbullying.STOMP Out Bullying /Don't be Cyberbullied!Receive Help and Support Here!A Parents Guide to Cyberbullying (PDF)http://www.girlshealth.gov Jump to how to prevent cyberbullying. Here are some tips that may help protect you from being cyberbullied.
PRINTABLE BULLYING WORKSHEETThe worksheets will help learn to identify bullying behaviors and develop methods for extinguishing the situations.
https://www.easyteacherworksheets.com/teacherprints/bullying.htmlDelete Cyberbullying - Why Do People Cyberbully? Stopbullying.gov describes two kinds of people who are likely to bully..Net Samrt Kidz Online ( Be Safer Online)