• Direction in creating an Aeries Account (PDF Format):  English   -   Spanish 
    The Aeries Parent Portal provides parents with a way to check their child's up-to-date attendance AND grade information.

    In order to begin using the Parent Portal, it is necessary to create an account. This is easy to do! Simply follow the steps below.

    Before you begin, get the following information together in front of you:

    1. your child's I.D. Number
    2. the phone number (probably your home phone) you gave to School for your emergency number
    3. the Verification Code  (*If you have lost the code or don't have it, see school office to get your code)
    4. your email account (if you do not have an email account, then set one up in Yahoo or Google)
    Ready? Great! Now, open another tab, click here, then click on Aeries. (this way you have TWO windows open, one has these instructions and the other has the Aeries window).