Login Information For School Programs
Username: ID#@sausdlearns.net ex:55544@sausdlearns.net
Password: Birthdate mmddyyyy / 04122012 ex: April 12, 2012
If students are sharing chrome books, they will need to completely log out before the next student log in. Go to bottom right corner of screen, click on picture icon. A new window will open. Look at the top left for “sign out.” Once the student has completely logged out, the next student can sign in using the above information.
ST Math (JiJi)
Students use their picture password. If they don’t remember it, please contact the classroom teacher.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Student will log in with:
Kinder and 1st grade students:
Username: lunch # ex: 55566 Password: abc
2nd -5th grade
Username: lunch# ex: 55566 Password: slunch# ex: s555666
Username: ID# ex: 555444
Password: The first letter of the first name, then first letter of last name, then birth month and day of birth ex: jt0419
Benchmark Universe
(Reading Program)
Sign in with GOOGLEStudent Login - Highlights are examples
Username: Student ID#@sausdlearns.net / Example: 123456@sausdlearns.net
Password (all lowercase): The first letter of the first name, then first letter of last name, then birth month, finally birth day.
Example: John Smith, Born March 8th will be js0308
Example: Susie Miles, Born December 11th will be sm1211
Student user name format: id#@sausdlearns.net ex:555444@sausdlearns.net
Password format: Birthdate mmddyyyy ex: 04122012
MATH EXPRESSION Common CoreLogin with your Google Account:
Student user name format: id#@sausdlearns.net ex:555444@sausdlearns.net
Password format: Birthdate mm/dd/yyyy ex: 04122012
Username: sausd
Password: books
SORAStudents can log in using school credentials. They must be logged into their Google account:
Username: ID#@sausdlearns.net ex:55544@sausdlearns.net
Password: Birthdate mm/dd/yyyy ex: 04122012
Get started today at https://soraapp.com/library/santnausd or download the free Sora app for Android or iOS. For easy access, our school’s setup code is: SantaAnaUSD