• Welcome to Ms. Medina's Second Grade Class!


    Heroes Husky

    Room 132

    Our Adopted College is UC Irvine. 


    Our College Mascot is Peter the Anteater.

    anteater Peter

    Teacher/Parent Communication


    Parent Square

    I use Parent Square to communicate with parents and share important classroom information/events. You may download the app or visit the website. Please sign up as soon as possible. You may also reach me via email at sylvia.medina@sausd.us or call 714-568-9600. 



    Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday. Homework will typically consist of language arts, reading fluency, and math. The weekly homework packet is due on Fridays or the last day of the school week.

    Math homework is due daily and is accessed in Think Central or completed in the Math Expressions Homework book. Math homework will usually reinforce math skills and/or strategies taught in class that day. Please check homework for completion on a daily basis. 




    Please make sure your child reads every day for twenty minutes.  Your child visits the school library every week. Your child should also practice his Churnside Challenge list daily (unless he/she has mastered all the sight words and earned a medal last year)

    Daily Behavior Report

    Your child will be bringing home a DAILY behavior report. Please review this report with your chid and sign it daily. It should remain in the homework folder and returned to school every day.