• The 5th grade classes are currently participating in the "Save A Seal" fundraiser with the Pacific Marine Mammal Center located in Laguna Beach. This fundraiser is our service learning project for the year, which began in October and continues through May.

    Students will be raising awareness of the importance of taking care of our natural resources, the ocean and the animals that inhabit these oceans. A focus will be on Pinnipeds,with a specific focus on Sea Lions, a natural inhabitant to the California Coast.
       All the money raised by the students will benefit these marine mammals. The funding will help with rescuing, rehabilitation, recovery, and releasing back into the ocean.Our hope is that the money raised can buy important supplies, medicine, and other necessities to help these creatures in our oceans. 
       This Project Based Learning is covers our Next Generation Science Standard EarthScience Standard- Human Impact on Earth.  
    Please click on the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, on the left to link onto their website.