Welcome to Franklin Elementary. Our school provides a welcoming, stimulating environment where students are actively involved in learning academics through a standards-based curriculum. Our goal is to establish a strong foundation and motivation for students to reach their full potential.
Mission Statement
The Franklin Elementary Academy mission is to establish a strong foundation and motivation for lifelong learning by nurturing, guiding, and challenging all of our students to achieve their maximum potential in a rapidly changing, diverse and increasingly complex society. The Franklin staff, students and parents are committed to ensure academic success through the design and implementation of effective lessons that accommodate multiple learning styles in a safe, stimulating and comfortable learning environment.
Vision Statement
All students will have an opportunity to participate in a thinking, meaning-centered curriculum that will develop the natural command of the English language. Through an integrated curriculum of balanced literacy, English language development, visual and performing arts and content area instruction, and with the support of parent participation, all students will maximize their human potential.