Internet SafetyThe internet is a wonderful place to learn so much about almost anything.
However, if students are not careful, they may enter unknown websites and come into contact with unknown people.
Therefore, to keep our children safe, we must teach them all about internet safety.
Click the links below to learn about how to be safe!The Online Safety Quiz is your chance to show that you know how to be a safe Internet surfer. Answer each question and, when you get it right, you'll go to the next question.Online information regarding cyber-bullying for parents, caregivers, educators, and children. Find out what cyber-bullying is, how it works, how to prevent it, and how to take action against it.Information on the dangers of the internet and how to be safe online. Also provides information and awareness regarding suicide amongst young children and teens and how to prevent it.Online information regarding the potential dangers when using the internet. Teaches parents steps in reducing the risks of their children using the internet.Online iSafe America Foundation dedicated in educating and empowering youth to make their internet experiences safe and responsible.Home Security Website providing information on internet safety for young students, the risks, information on the most dangerous areas on the internet, and information on how to reduce the risks.The Texas School Safety Center's Online Resources for parents and children. Resources include: Internet Safety Blog, Internet Safety Programs, Cyber-bullying Activities/Handouts, and Additional Technology Safety Resources.An Online PDF Document pertaining to Online Predators and the Victims' stories. It speaks about the myths, realities, and implications for prevention and treatment in regards to this issue.The Online information site for parents to learn all about Facebook to keep their children safe and be up-to-date on the modern social media network.Explore the rules of the internet in this fun and interactive video.
Last Modified on May 23, 2023