• McFadden On-Line Classroom Expectations:


    1. Be On Time: Attendance counts.  Make sure to be logged into your Google Meets account a few minutes before class is scheduled to start.  You will be admitted from the waiting room and will be expected to be ready to work right away.


    1. Sign In With Your Real Name: Sign in with the name that is listed on your instructor’s roster or with the name.  This will be essential for attendance. 


    1. Microphone Muted: When you enter a virtual classroom, make sure that you mute your microphone immediately.  If you would like to speak, use the chat box to raise your hand. 


    1. Camera On: Please keep your camera on during group sessions.


    1. Collaborate and Engage: Just like in face to face school, you need to maximize your virtual classroom time by engaging in all of the activities and collaborating with your peers in a positive and supportive manner.




    Materials Expectation for Class:


                Students will be expected to be prepared for class everyday with the following materials:  charged devise used for virtual learning, two sharpened pencils, two pens (blue or black ink), hard-cover binder with paper, reading books, and completed homework.


















    Classroom Rules, Citizenship and Expectations


    The following classroom rules determine your citizenship grade each quarter.  A student will be given one or more demerits each time he or she fails to meet the following classroom expectations.


    1.  When the bell rings, students will be in their assigned seats, quiet and ready to work. 


    2.  Students will be prepared for class, bringing two sharpened pencils, two pens (blue or black ink), hard-cover binder with paper, required textbooks or reading books, and completed homework.


    3.  Students will sit quietly and not interrupt or disrupt when another person is talking.  Students will raise their hand and receive permission before they talk. 


    4.  Students will use appropriate and academic language for class.


    5.  Students will pick up after themselves and make an effort to keep the classroom neat and orderly, and will not bring food or gum into class.


    6.  Students will be honest in their classwork.


    7.  Students will listen to and promptly follow my instructions.


    8.  Students will not bring any inappropriate or disruptive devices or materials to class (e.g. i-pods, etc.), and cell phones will be turned off.


    9.  Students will help and support one another, work cooperatively together, and will make an effort and always do their best work in class.


    10.  Students will always show respect for other people, their opinions, and their property.



    Students should follow the Golden Rule-- always treat others in the classroom the way that you would like others to treat you.










    0 - 5                = O (outstanding)

    6 - 10              = S (satisfactory)

    11 - 15            = N (needs to improve)

    16 or more     = U (unsatisfactory)






    Step #1 = assigning demerits, resulting in lower citizenship grade


    Step #2 = teacher/student conference


    Step #3 = campus/room beautification, or detention along with parent contact


    Step #4 = campus/room beautification, detention,

    Referral to counselor parent contact


    Step #5 = referral to Assistant Principal parent contact







Last Modified on September 3, 2020