School /Staff Data 2020-2021
100% of teachers are credentialed
20 General Education Classroom Teachers
3 Special Education Mild/Moderate Teachers
2 SUCSESS Moderate/Severe Classroom Teachers
8 Special Education Instructional Assistants
1 Administrator1 Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)1 National Board Certified Teacher3 District Teachers of The YearPopulation Data
Total # of students 570
Average class size: 28
60 % English Learners23 % R-FEP students83% Speak Spanish as home language6.9% Gifted and Talented Education students
98.2% of our student population is Hispanic.
97.1% Actual Attendance
93% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch program1 Headstart Program (Enter on Russell St.)
1 State Pre-Kinder classroom housed on Martin campus
Martin’s base and support programs include:
- Schoolwide Title I
- Special Education
- Migrant Education
- Gifted and Talented Education
- Engage 360 After School Programs
- Playworks
- Learning Link "Pre-K Mommy and Me" Program
- Padres Promotores
- Raising Highly Capable Children
- Girls on the Run
- Oasis International Art Classes
Last Modified on August 30, 2020