• McFadden Special Education Services
    McFadden Intermediate School is proud to provide a standards-based, quality education to our more than 200 students with special needs.  A wide range of educational settings allow us to meet the individual and collective needs of our students.  These settings include:
    • The general education classroom where students are supported with a Student Support Provider. (Consultation)
    • The general education classroom where the special education teacher works collaboratively with a general education teacher to meet the needs of all of the students. (Collaboration)
    • The special education classroom where students work with a highly-qualified special education teacher and a small group of student. (Pull-Out)
    In addition, we work collaboratively with a variety of specialists who ensure that the services outlined on a child's IEP are fully and faithfully provided.  These services include speech and language therapy, adaptive physical education. mobility training for students who are visually impaired, counseling, and occupational therapy.
    Feel free to contact the school at (714) 479-4000 if you have any questions.
Last Modified on February 5, 2016