•      The Guidelines for Success define important behaviors and attitudes by which all students and staff conduct themselves at McFadden Intermediate School.  Let's all work together to make McFadden the best that it can be! This is:
    The Way of the SCOTS!

    Self-Control- being self-disciplined     

              School Work                                                                              

    ·     Comes to class prepared

    ·     Pays attention and resists distractions

    ·     Begins work rather than procrastinating


    ·   Remembers and follows directions in all areas of school

    ·   Accepts criticism as a tool for change

    ·   Controls emotions in stressful situations


    Consideration taking into account the perspective of others

    ·   Is polite to adults, peers, and the school

    ·   Actively listens to others without interruption

    ·   Acts with thoughtful and sympathetic regard


    Optimism expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it

    ·   Believes that effort will improve his or her future

    ·   Expects the most favorable outcome in all situations

    ·   Asks and answers questions to deepen understanding


    Tenacity completing something despite obstacles  

    ·   Initiates and completes tasks

    ·   Learns from mistakes without giving up

    ·   Works independently and with others


    Social Intelligence able to reason in large and small groups

    ·   Is open to resolving conflicts

    ·   Demonstrates respect towards other’s feelings

    ·   Maintains awareness of behavior expectations

Last Modified on September 12, 2016