• Dear Parents/Guardians:

    The mission of the Santa Ana Unified School District is to providea world-class education that prepares students for college and career.  To ensure that all students are learning andthriving in a positive, safe environment, our District has two policies relatedto dress codes: a Uniform Policy and a Dress and Grooming Policy. 


    Each school has been asked to review its practice of both polices toensure the school community is aligned with the District’s policy which isbased on California Education Code.  Ourschool staff believes that when students wear uniforms, there is an increased senseof community and pride in our school. This Uniform Policy will contribute to thehealth and safety of our students and to the development of a productivelearning environment.  Please take a fewmoments to review our school’s revised uniform list that is enclosed.  Be assured that the revised list will notrequire you to purchase additional items; it simply provides more options.


    Parents, who have or who wish to request an exemption for theirstudent not to wear the school uniform, must adhere to the enclosed Dress andGrooming Policy, which requires that all students wear proper and appropriatedress while in attendance in school and at school sponsored activities. If youare considering opting your student out of the K-8 Mandatory Uniform DressPolicy, please feel free to contact the school office so that we may facilitateyour request.


    If you have any questions or would like additional information,please feel free to contact Jackson school.