RCOC is a private, not-for-profit corporation contracting with the State of California for the provision of services to persons with developmental disabilities pursuant to the Lanterman Act. The State of California contracts with 21 non-profit agencies called regional centers , each one covering a different geographic region. The centers are the first stop for persons with developmental disabilities and their families seeking help to obtain local supports and services.This website includes information regarding their guiding principles, description of services, calendar of events, and resources for families. To visit RCOC website click here.

    ANOC is a collaborative publication for parents and professionals dedicated to sharing research-based strategies, innovative educational approaches, best practices and experiences in the area of autism. This website includes an event calendar, current and archived issues, newsletter subscription, and a list of the sponsors. To visit ANOC website  click here .

    FOR OC KIDS - Neurodevelopmental Center

    The For OC Kids clinic is a multidisciplinary center for autism and other developmental disorders. Our mission is to provide developmental assessments and treatment for children with autism in Orange County, and educational opportunities for the parents and professionals who care for them. The website includes information on characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders, extensive resources, upcoming events that include parent trainings - such as the Support, Education and Empowerment for Parents of Autistic Children (SEEPAC) series. This website is in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Be sure to visit their extensive Resources section.
    To visit For OC Kids website click here.



    The Grandparent Autism Network informs grandparents about autism and the medical, educational, legal and social issues that affect their families, enabling them to share how they may improve the quality of life for their children and grandchildren. Activities include social events for grandparents and grandchildren and advocacy efforts to increase support for autism causes. Networking together, grandparents are a vital resource for autism ... and each other! The website includes information about this local Orange County organization, its membership, upcoming events and resources. To visit GAN website click here.

    ORANGE COUNTY ASPERGERS SUPPORT GROUP -    Autism Spectrum of Support

    Meet with other local adults, parents and children (age 11 and older) that, like you, are dealing with Asperger Syndrome, Autism (HFA), and PDD-NOS, for support, discussion, parent advocacy and adult self advocacy.This support group is a community of adults with Asperger Syndrome, and parents of children with Asperger's.This support group is 4.5 years old as of September 2008.Parents with younger children attend our meetings, but leave their children (under age 11) at home under someones care.We currently have face to face meetings in Irvine, Placentia and Laguna Niguel. To visit  OCA Support website click here.


    REACT stands for Resources for Autistic Children's Therapy.  While there are other excellent organizations focused on research for the underlying causes of autism, our focus is helping already diagnosed children NOW by providing funds to help manage a huge educational challenge, both in the school districts and privately. This includes their Mini Grant Program and Scholarship Program. To visit REACT website click here.

    Southern California Autism Training Collaborative (SCATC)
    Founded in 1999, SCATC is a collaborative of educators who are interested in coordinating autism training opportunities in Southern California. This website includes information on upcoming trainings such as "Structured Teaching/TEACCH", Carol Gray's "Social Stories™", and other related topics, as well as other resources. To visit SCATC website click here.

Last Modified on November 2, 2020