Assembly Schedule
  • This year, we have an amazing opportunity to hold cultural performing arts assembly presentations!!

    Here at Taft, we strive to provide memorable and distinctly unique experiences for our Taft Tiger Students!

    Therefore, this year, we have increased our partnership with Segerstrom to bring one performing arts assembly each month to our campus!

    January's Focus: Hip Hop

    Segerstrom's Arts Teach Performing Group: Street Beat

    February's Focus: African American Storytelling

    Segerstrom's Arts Teach Presenters: Baba the Storyteller

    March's Focus: American Indian Cultural Dance

    Segerstrom's Arts Teach Presenters: Danza Azteca

    April's Focus: Pacific Islander Cultural Dance

    Segerstrom's Arts Teach Presenters: Island Inspirations

    Take a look at our students engaged in these assemblies and learn more about the amazing cultural education they received!