• Extended Day Kindergarten Schedule



    8:40-Reader’s Workshop

    9:20- Math

    10:00- Recess

     10:15- Calendar, Flag, Songs, Letter of the week activities, Share Time

    (Students can bring in an item to share that matches the letter of the week that we are focusing on.)

     10:30- Writing

     11:05 Songs, Poems, P.E.

      11:15- Clean Up, Pass out lunch tickets.  

     11:20-12:08- Lunch

     12:08- Rest Time

     12:30- Story Time

    12:45- STEAM Centers

    1:30- Clean up, Pass out Wow! Tickets

    1:40 Dismissal is done at the classroom


     Wednesdays are Modified Days 

    Dismissal is at 12:50 p.m.  

    Library and music will be bi-weekly on Wednesdays/Fridays 

    iPad use will be each Monday and Thursday

Last Modified on April 13, 2020