• Third Grade Curriculum

    Language Arts
    In third grade, students continue to develop strategies to effectively use language. Through the presentation of reports and journal writing, they learn to write and speak for a specific purpose. Students learn to become strategic readers by identifying the elements of a story. They read expository material for specific information. Study skills include note taking, the use of reference materials, interpreting graphs and diagrams, and test-taking skills.  Vocabulary development continues to include the refinement of phonetic and decoding skills. Word analysis strategies include: homonyms, antonyms, synonyms, analogies, multiple meaning and compound words. Students expand their vocabulary by learning strategies for identifying unfamiliar words.

    Reading comprehension skills taught include: understanding fiction and nonfiction reading selections, identifying main ideas, sequencing events, summarizing, recalling details, making predictions, drawing inferences, making connections to the text to their lives, and to the world, and understanding cause-and-effect relationships.  Third graders continue to learn and practice the steps of the writing process. The learn to think like a writer by examining authors' text. Peer conferencing is introduced as a revision technique. Proper grammar, spelling, and the mechanics of writing are taught to enable students to proofread and communicate more effectively.
    This year students will be expected to have Accelerated Reader (AR) goals and track their progress.

    Third graders should master fact families in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They continue developing strategies for solving multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. Learning multiplication facts through the 12s is a goal this year. Other third-grade skills include understanding large numbers in addition to working with small numbers using equivalent fractions and decimals (to the thousandths). Mastering number sense and place value is a must. They must understand how to apply mathematics applications using larger numbers and numbers less than 1(fractions)!! They continue the study of geometry, negative numbers, calculator skills, telling time, and geometry. Practical application of measurement skills includes linear, weight, and capacity with customary and metric units. Students perform probability experiments that provide information for analyzing data and predicting outcomes.  Cognitively Guided Instruction, a critical thinking and problem solving approach to mathematics, is used to help students acquire a deep understanding of math concepts. 


    The third-grade curriculum focuses on the physical, earth, and life sciences. In the physical sciences, students study the properties and states of matter. Earth science focuses on the Solar System and the relationship between the sun, moon, and Earth.  In life sciences, students explore how plants and animals adapt to various habitats.

    Social Studies
    The social studies curriculum in third grade reviews the concept of community. A unit on Santa Ana gives students knowledge about the city in the areas of geography, government, history, and business. Students participate in activities that teach them skills in geography, problem solving, and study skills.

    Students also study the regions of the United States and California. In their study of the regions of the U.S. and California, they learn how geography, climate, and natural resources have impacted the development and history of the areas. The regions are compared to one another. Students extend their skills in geography, problem solving, and study skills. Included in this study are Santa Ana's native people, geography, regions, history, and government. Students also expand their understanding of core democratic values.

     Media and Technology

    Third grade is a busy year in the media center. Students begin to use the computer card catalog to find their Accelerated Reader (AR) books. They practice searching by author, by title and by subject. Students will also have time in the computer lab using ST Math. Both AR and ST Math are available at home for students who have internet access.
    Music and Drama

    In third grade, students continue to build upon their musical knowledge-base as more complex songs, musical notation, and vocabulary are presented by the music specialist. They will continue their studies on piano keyboarding. Students are also expected to participate in class plays and musicals.


    Physical Education

    Third-grade students continue to work on gross-motor skills, spatial awareness, and body control. At this level, there is an increased emphasis on cardiopulmonary fitness, muscular strength, and endurance. Students are encouraged to run or do continuous movement activities to increase their pulse rates. We will continue to promote the KROC (Kids Run Orange County) as it gives students a long term goal related to their physical health and fitness. We would appreciate parental participation in this fitness program. 
Last Modified on February 23, 2017