K-8 Mandatory Uniform Dress Policy Guidelines
(Based on BP/AR 5132.5)
Each K-8 school in the District shall implement the K-8 Mandatory Uniform Dress policy. A plan shall be developed by each K-8 school for uniform dress including the color(s) for the uniform. The District recommends that a standard uniform of white tops and navy blue bottoms be considered to facilitate student movement from site to site within the District and to increase uniform availability, but sites are responsible for the color of uniforms selected. The Board must approve all school plans.
The school shall publish its plan in student and parent documents at the beginning of each school year to ensure that parents and student are clearly informed of dress and grooming requirements.
Determination of Colors and Standards
Each site may determine its own colors.
1.0 Model of dress for girls:
· Plain white shirts/blouses with sleeves and a collar, red and navy blue polo shirts, tucked in at the waist (not bloused)
· Navy blue skirts, culottes, skorts, Bermudas, dresses with sleeves and a collar, jumpers, or slacks, pants kahki color; no jeans
· Plain navy blue or white sweater, jacket, or sweatshirt
· Navy blue or white socks (at knee or below)
· Navy blue vests are permitted when worn over a blouse/shirt
2.0 Model of dress for boys:
· Plain white shirts with sleeves and collar, red and navy blue polo shirts, tucked in at the waist.
· Navy blue slacks or Bermuda shorts with waistbands no higher than two inches; no jeans
· Plain navy blue or white sweater, jacket, or sweatshirt
· Navy blue or white socks (mid-calf or below)
· Navy blue vests are permitted when worn over a shirt
3.0 General Guidelines for School Attire:
1. Clothing must be free from tears, rips, holes, etc.
2. Clothing should not be oversized.
3. Pants must fit, cannot be oversized, and must be hemmed.
4. Socks will not be pulled up to meet bottom of shorts.
5. There should be no visible initials, insignias, pictures, or logos on clothing, except for school logos.
6. Shoes must be worn at all times and must be must be enclosed. Steel toes or western-type boots are not to be worn.
7. Colored or thick shoe laces, and black gloves are not permitted.
8. Bandanas, hair nets, and beanies are not permitted. Only those students, with the approval from the principal because of medical/religious purposes, may have an exception. hoodies worn over the head may be permitted outdoors during inclement weather.
9. Hats are not to be worn indoors. No baseball caps other than school issued ones will be permitted.
10. Visible jewelry is limited to small watches, rings, necklaces, and bracelets; earrings should be a small stud or a hoop no larger than a dime. Wallet chains, and/or spiked and sharp jewelry are not allowed.
11. Gang slogans and graffiti will not be allowed on backpacks or purses.
12. No shirts with gang, drug, graffiti or sexual connotations including OC or SA in old English lettering.
13. Jerseys or shirts with team logos are not allowed.
14. No belt buckles with logos or initials (including anything related to weapons, drugs, or of a sexual nature) are allowed.
15. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
An occasional “spirit day” may be declared by the site, at which time students may choose to wear school logo shirts, spirit shirts, or special activity shirts.
4.0 Parents who choose not to have their students wear uniforms may be exempt
from this policy by:
a) requesting an exemption form in the local school office;
b) completing the application; and
c) submitting it to the designated administrator at the student’s school.
Any student who applies for exemption from the Mandatory Uniform Policy must comply with the previously established District Dress Code (AR 5132).
Discipline Provisions:
5.0 No student shall be suspended from class or from school, be expelled from school, or received a lowered grade as a result of not complying with Board policy. (AR 5132.5 (b))
6.0 No student shall be considered non-compliant with this policy in the following instances (AR 5132.5 (c)):
· When non-compliance derives from a financial hardship
· When a student wears a button, armband, or other accouterment to exercise his/her right to freedom of expression as provided by Education Code 48907, unless the bottom, armband, or other accouterment signifies or is related to gangs, gang membership, or gang activity as provided by Education Code 35183
· When a student wears the uniform of nationally recognized youth organization, such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, on regular meeting days
· When a student wears a school-adopted logo shirt on designated days
· When a student’s parent or guardian has secured an exemption from the uniform policy by following the prescribed procedures
· When the school principal authorizes a special dress day
Appropriate Disciplinary Actions:
· If a student is not following the Uniform Policy, the classroom teacher or designee will talk to the student to ascertain the reason for the non-compliance. If the classroom teacher determines that the issue is one that warrants a parent contact, then that teacher may refer the concern to the site administration.
· The principal will review the policy with the student and parent to make sure that they clearly understand the policy expectations, to explain the exemption procedures, and give the parent the option of helping his/her child to comply or of exempting the student from the policy.
· Referral to school counselor, psychologist, social worker, CWA personnel or other school support service personnel for case management and counseling.
· Spare shirts and pants and uniforms
· Spirit shirts
· Appropriate and gradual loss of privileges
· Campus beautification projects
· Behavior Contract
· Community Service
Dress and Grooming Guidelines
The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. Students’ clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction, which would interfere with the educational process. (cf. 4119.22 – Dress and Grooming) (cf. 5132.5 - K-8 Mandatory Uniform Dress) ( cf. 5145.2 – Freedom of Speech/Expression Publications Code). BP 5132 (a)
In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with law, district policy and regulations. These school dress codes will be regularly reviewed. (cf. 0420- School Plans/Site Councils)
Students and parents/guardians shall be informed about dress and grooming standards at the beginning of the school year and whenever these standards are revised. (cf. 5144 – Discipline)
Each school shall allow students to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5).
In addition the following shall apply to all regular school activities:
1. Socks will not be pulled up to meet bottom of shorts.
2. Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes must be enclosed. Sandals must have heel straps. Flip-flops or backless shoes are not acceptable.
3. Bandanas and black gloves are not permitted.
4. Hats and caps shall not be worn indoors, only school issued baseball caps are allowed. No beanies.
5. No hoodies worn over head except outdoors in inclement weather.
6. Any clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, gym bags, water bottles, etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures, initials or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likeness, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice or depict initials, OC or SA in old English lettering. No sharp or spiked jewelry is allowed.
7. No belt buckles with logos or initials (including anything related to weapons, drugs, or of a sexual nature) are allowed.
8. No wallet chains.
9. Jerseys or shirts with team logos are not allowed.
10. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.
11. Gym shorts may not be worn in classes other than physical education.
12. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.
Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the special needs of certain sports and/or classes. (cf.3260 – Fees and Charges.)
Gang-related Apparel:
At individual schools that have a dress code prohibiting gang related apparel at school or school activities, the principal, staff, parents/guardians and community-based crime prevention organization participating in the development of the school safety plan shall define “gang-related apparel” and shall limit this definition to apparel that reasonably could be determined to threaten the health and safety of the school environment if it were worn or displaced on the school campus. (Education Code 35294.1)
Because gang-related symbols are constantly changing, definitions of gang-related apparel shall be reviewed at least once each semester and updated whenever related information is received.
Discipline Provisions:
· BP 5132 (a): Students who violate these standards shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
· AR 5132: School rules are consistent is with law, district policy and regulations.
Appropriate Disciplinary Action:
· Conference between school personnel, the pupil’s parent or guardian, and the pupil.
· Referral to school counselor, psychologist, social worker, CWA personnel or other school support service personnel for case management and counseling.
· Spare shirts and pants and uniforms
· Spirit shirts
· Campus beautification projects
· Behavior Contract
· Community Service
· Appropriate and gradual loss of privileges for repeat offenders after utilizing and documenting other means of correction