ALA Sports
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Hello potential ALA Athletes! In addition to excellent academic opportunities at ALA, we also provide opportunities to engage in interscholastic athletics. We play several different sports throughout the school year. Sports played at our school are girls and boys volleyball, girls and boys basketball, girls and boys soccer, girls and boys track and field, and coed pickleball. Each sport has a six-week season that includes at least three 2-hour practices and at least one game per week that will take place after school. At the conclusion of each season, you will participate in a one-day Saturday tournament where we will compete against a minimum of two other intermediate schools.
According to SAUSD Board Policy:
- To be eligible to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, students in grades 6-12 must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in the previous grading period, including, but not limited to: (Education Code 35160.5) Maintenance of a minimum of 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in all enrolled classes. Your grades will be checked weekly to ensure you are eligible to participate.
ALAE Athletics has a commitment to all Student-Athletes. The student-athletes always come first.
Student Conduct at Extracurricular/Cocurricular Events
When attending or participating in extracurricular and co-curricular activities on or off-campus, district students are subject to district policies and regulations relating to student conduct. Students who violate district policies and regulations may be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, transfer to alternative programs, or denial of participation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation. When appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall notify local law enforcement. (BP6145)
All students interested in playing a sport may direct their questions to Ms. Castillo or Mrs. Scruton during the registration process or any time during the school year or email Mr. Gordillo or Mr. Mitcheltree.
David Gordillo, Athletic Coordinator/Coach-Boys and Girls Volleyball and Soccer
Cody Mitcheltree, Head Coach: Boys and Girls Volleyball and Basketball