Welcome to Mrs. Nemetz's Third Grade Class!
Room 21
Our classroom university is Concordia.
Remind your child to wear his/her shirt every Wednesday!
T-Shirts will be coming soon!
Class Dojo
I use ClassDojo to communicate with parents. Please sign up as soon as possible.
Weekly homework packets are passed out to the students and explained on Monday mornings. The homework for reading consists of strategies we learned in class for reading comprehension.Please make sure your child reads every day for twenty minutes. Your child visits the school library every week on Tuesdays. However, if he/she needs to check out another book, he/she can go during his/her recess to check out another book. Your child can also visit the library after school.
Adittional math homework pages will always be due the next day. Their purpose is to reinforce skills taught that day in school.Currently, we are working on memorizing our multiplication facts. Please be sure your child practices the multiplication facts daily. Students will be tested on the multiplication fact of the week on Fridays.