Santa Ana Public Library
  • Santa Ana Public Library student accounts have been activated
    Santa Ana Public Library accounts for SAUSD students are now active and ready to use!

    SAUSD has partnered with SAPL to provide Student Success library accounts to all students (except those families who opted out in December).

    Students can now check out up to 5 books at a time from the Main Library or Newhope Library. Students have access to SAPL online databases, e-books, e-audiobooks, video streaming, and e-magazines. Additionally, students can check out DVDs and CDs.
    SAUSD student ID cards can now be used as SAPL library cards.

    To log in to the SAPL account, use your 6-digit student ID number as the library card number and the last 4 digits of the student ID number as the PIN.

    These Student Success library accounts will not incur overdue fees, will have a grace allowance of up to 5 lost or damaged books, and will not expire until the student graduates from high school or turns 19.

Last Modified on April 21, 2023