English 9 - 11
StudySync is a comprehensive high school English Language Arts curriculum that focuses on thematic units providing print, digital, and multimedia support for students of all levels.
Grade level themes include:
- Grade 9: Empathy, Dreams and Aspirations
- Grade 10: Destiny, Technical Difficulties
- Grade 11: Individual and Society, Modern Times
English 12
The Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC) is a college preparatory (A-G) English Language Arts course designed to develop academic literacy and proficiency in rhetorical and analytical reading, writing, and thinking.
Key principles include:
- The integration of interactive reading and writing processes;
- A rhetorical approach to texts that fosters critical thinking and engagement through a concentrated focus on the text;
- Materials and themes that engage student interest;
- Classroom activities designed to model and foster successful practices of fluent readers and writers;
- Research-based methodologies with a consistent relationship between theory and practice;
- Built-in flexibility to allow teachers to respond to varied students' needs and instructional contexts; and
- Alignment with the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy.