• Welcome to Third Grade!

    Our Patriotic Quote:
    "America, our fatherland,
    We're loyal, brave, and true.
    We love our country's valiant flag
    of red, and white, and blue.
    We love the freedom that we share
    from sea to shining sea.
    We pledge our lives in full support
    of our democracy."
    ~ Nora Keen Duffy
    Some of the things that we will be working on this year:
    Multiplication/Division Facts (0-12)
    Writing a 3-5 paragraph format (with details and transitions)
    Learning our 50 states
    Writing a state report
    Our reading focus will be on fluency and comprehension
    frield trip
    We will have a field trip to the Kellogg House.
    Writing a Report  
    State Report Websites
    Planet Report Website
Last Modified on August 13, 2017