• Educational enrichment activities in the after school program include unique services in one of the five areas:

    1) Arts and Culture,

    2) Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM),

    3) 21st Century Skills

    4) College and Career Readiness

    5) Specialized Movement.  Enrichment activities are designed to enhance the implementation of the current State Standards.


    Engage 360° has been fortunate to establish partnerships with community providers who share the same vision, mission, and goals as well as provide unique, quality enrichment opportunities for SAUSD students. 


    How to Apply: Pick up registration form in the front office. Fill it out completely by parent or Legal Guardian.

    In order to be eligible student must attend Monday-Friday until 5:45 and be picked up by an authorized adult 18 and over.


    Look out for Summer Engage 360 program registration form.

    Summer Program Dates: June 7, 2022 - July 20, 2022

    Time: 8;00am - 4:45pm

  • Hours of Operations

    M/T/TH/F:    2:00 - 6:00pm

    Wednesday:    1:00 - 6:00pm

    Release Time:    5:45 - 6:00pm