2024-25 School Year: Brain Power Under the Tower!
Davis students, teachers, and staff members are working so hard during the 2024-25 school year, with amazing support from our students' families and community. Our SBAC scores in reading and math in the last two years have been the highest that we have ever achieved at Davis! This is due to the hard work of our students, staff members, and our students’ parents. In 2024-25, we are working to achieve even more!
During the 2024-25 school year, our areas of emphasis are:
1) Academic Growth and Achievement as an IB PYP Candidate School: We are implementing scientifically proven strategies for learning to read, using the SIPPS program to teach reading in small groups of students according to their reading levels, every day. We are also in our first year as an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme candidate school. The IB PYP will bring rigor, and engaging learning to our students, as a key practice of our Community School strategy. We like to say that we have great "brain power under the tower" each and every day at Davis.
2) Supporting and Sharing Leadership With Our Students' Families: We want our students’ parents to share in the leadership of our school, through our Community School Leadership Council, our School Site Council, and through other committees and parent meetings. We also want to be a source of help and support for our students' families, in every way possible. Please message or call me, or our office, or visit our Wellness Center or Library to participate at the school or for support at any time. We aim to team up with parents for the good of our students!
3) Safety at School: We teach our students to be respectful, to be responsible, to be safe, and to be problem solvers. We want to practice good, positive habits, and also to be prepared at all times to keep our students, staff and families safe. I list this 3rd on this list, but want everyone to know that safety is our top priority at Davis. When students feel safe, we know they are ready to learn!
Wallace R. Davis was known for his personal warmth and caring. We strive to follow his example. He said, "Dream big and once you have that dream, don't let anyone take it away from you. You must have faith in tomorrow...we must have faith in you."
We have the best students, families and school staff at Davis Elementary!
Peter Richardson
(714) 564-2200