• Class Projects/ Homework/ Labs:

                 You will be assigned homework, class projects and labs (if time permits) through out the quarter.  They are due the next day or otherwise stated.  If you turn it in late, you will be deducted points which could result being one grade lower than what would have been earned.  Late work will be accepted up to the second of the last day of the grading period.  Late work will not be accepted on the last day of the grading period.  Turn in work that is neat and not sloppy.  It reflects the type of person you are.  Make sure you show all of your work when necessary. A final—quarter  project may be required of you at the end of the quarter, if you do not participate, there is a good chance that you will not pass the class.  I ask that you down load any material when assigned and bring to class. 

    The Grading Scale:

    90 — 100 =  A

    80 —  89  =  B

    70 —  79  =  C

    60 —  69  =  D

    0   —  59  =  F

    Mr. Garcia’s Rules:

    1. Uphold the School Rules

    2. Don’t Disturb Others

    3. Don’t be DISRESPECTFUL to Mr. G and others.

    4. Come to class PREPARED daily!


                 Exams or assessments will be given after each chapter, standard or unit, unless noted differently.  I will be taking exam questions straight from the Cornell Notes.  There will be no curves thrown at you on the tests.  If you want to pass the exam, study your Cornell Notes.


    Class Discussion/ Participation:

    I highly recommend your participation in class.  It is part of your grade, and it will only benefit you.  This means staying on task during class discussions and/or coming in before/after class for extra tutoring on the concepts that are being presented in class.  You need to come to class prepared everyday score.  You can download up to date lecture notes on the Lorin Griset Academy website:       https://www.sausd.us/griset.  

    Materials Needed for Class:

    Pencil, Pen, Notebook Paper (Lined), Textbook (Daily), 3-Ring Binder, Cornell Lecture Notes

    Mr. Garcia’s Mission Statement to YOU:

       It is my goal that I bring an awesome biology experience to you this year.  I feel that every teacher should make learning fun, interesting and thought provoking.  I pledge that I will do my best to stay to these guidelines that I have set forth for myself.  Also please be aware that it is my goal to work with each one of you and to see you not only pass this class, but also to encourage you to move onto your college careers.  I am looking forward to teaching you and learning from you.

     Mr. Garcia, M.A. Ed.