*Crisis Text Line -- FREE crisis texting service available nationwide 24/7, Text “CTL” to 741741
*Crisis Prevention Hotline -- 24-hr, Immediate, Confidential, Over-the-Phone Suicide Prevention Services: 1-877-724-4747
*Warmline Network Services -- 8:00am to Midnight M-F Call 1-877-910-9276
*USA National Suicide Hotlines -- 24hr/7days per week 1-800-SUICDIDE OR 1-800-784-2433 OR 1-800-273-TALK OR 1-800-273-8255
*Domestic Violence Hotline -- 24hrs/7days per week 1-800-799-7233
*Rape Crisis Hotline -- 24-hrs/7days per week 1-714-957-2737
*Centralized Assessment Team (CAT) -- 1-714-517-6353 or 1-866-830-6011
*Information & Referral Line -- Call 211 for shelter information, food banks, and other community resources.