Parent and Teacher Expectations
  • Parents 

    • Review your child's homework
    • Check your child's backpack for homework and school notices
    • Write you child's name on sweaters and jackets
    • Make sure your child comes to school on time
    • Keep in contact with your child's teacher
    • help students learn their math facts
    • read with child nightly


    Parent volunteers are a very important and integral part of the second grade program. This is an important job and it is very much appreciated. Please let your child's teacher know how you can help!



    • provide a safe learning environment 
    • keep in touch with parents and prepare parents for conferences
    • provide the best education possible
    • provide time for students to practice reading


    Homework Policy

    • homework is assigned daily: reading comprehension, spelling, mathematics
    • homework is due the next day unless otherwise directed
    • students are expected to read every night and keep a reading log


    Your child will be assigned a Homework Folder and Agenda that is to be used daily. Please make sure this folder is brought to school everyday. Parent Information Folders will be sent home also. These need to be signed by you letting me know you have reviewed its contents.

    Discipline Policy-- Behavior Management System

    To Encourage Scholarly Behavior, teachers use the following system:


    -Magenta: Super Student-WOW!

    -Purple: Super Student
    -Blue: Good Choices
    -Green: Ready to Learn
    -Yellow: Think About It
    -Orange: Teacher’s Choice
    -Red: Parent Contact



     At this age, most children have a desire to do the right thing and please the adults around them. Mistakes do happen (to all of us!), but we try to acknowledge and reinforce only the desired behaviors. The following are a list of some of the rewards we might use:

     1. Praise! Praise! Praise!
    2. Stickers
    3. Tickets
    4. Positive Notes / Phone Call Home
    5. Table Group Points
    6. Class Marbles/fuzzies



     1.The LOOK!
    2. Verbal Warning. This is just a reminder-we all make mistakes sometimes. 
    3. Move behavior clip on the Behavior Chart.
    4. Conference with teacher. Sign the OOPS binder. The student will receive a “time to think about it” depending on the unwanted behavior and may miss a portion of their recess. Phone call or email home.

    *Severe Disruption: this involves breaking the school’s rules (i.e. destroying school property, fighting, inappropriate language, and possession of weapons or drugs). The student will immediately go to the principal’s office.


    Dismissal Procedures

Last Modified on August 19, 2017