Fellow Students and Parents:
Muir’s Library is open during regular school hours.
Students can come in from 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. from Monday through Friday to return/check out books, or just come to a quiet environment to read their books. Also, they can come in from 7:45 to 7:55 to take their AR test. You may also come in to browse around and see if we have any new books that are of interest.
After school, AR tests are not allowed. The Library will be closed at 2:30 p.m. Any changes to the library hours will be notified ahead of schedule.
I am looking forward to working with every one of you to make your library visits a fun learning experience.
I can be reached by calling the office at 714-972-6700 or emailing me at rocio.lopez@sausd.us
LISTEN TO FREE AUDIO BOOKS!(books for all ages, please check with your parents before listening)AR Links