• SAPL Student Success Card Registration
    The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) is partnering with the Santa Ana Public Library (SAPL) to offer a Student Success Library Card to all students. The Student Success Library card will allow students access to most SAPL resources at no cost.

    Students will be able to check out up to 5 books at a time from the Main Library, Newhope Library, or the Bookmobile (coming soon!), and students will have access to SAPL online databases, e-books, e-audiobooks, video streaming, and e-magazines. SAPL has a juvenile book collection of over 120,000 copies and over 100,000 e-books for all ages. Additionally, students will be able to check out DVDs and CDs.

    These Student Success library cards will not incur overdue fees, will have a grace allowance of up to 5 lost or damaged books, and will not expire until the student graduates from high school or turns 19.

    SAPL also offers free bilingual homework help and tutoring to students in grades K-12 as well as in-house access (after re-opening) to educational software such as ABCmouse and AWE Early Literacy Learning Computer Stations.

    The Student Success Card registration process happens through a secure electronic data transfer. The information required includes students’ ID number, birthdate, contact information, school, grade, and parent/guardian name.

    Families have the opportunity to opt out of the Student Success Card registration process, but then the student will not be given access to the special privileges library card without fines or fees.

    To receive a card, there is no need to do anything. A card will be created automatically.


    Santa Ana Public Library - Student Success Card


Last Modified on January 11, 2021