Middle College High School
School – Family AVID Compact to Learning
This compact pledges our school community to increase student achievement in all high school and college courses to ensure that all students will be able to compete successfully in college and beyond.
Parents Pledge: I will
· Inform my student’s teachers and counselor if my child has any problems with learning.
· Ensure that my child attends school daily on time.
· Provide my child with necessary materials and support necessary to complete projects and assignments.
· Speak to my child each day about school progress and activities.
· Communicate with teachers to check on my child’s progress.
· Attend school meetings and conferences as requested by school staff to assist my child to plan for college.
MCHS Students Pledge: I will
· Attend school daily, on time.
· Remain on the college campus during school hours.
· Maintain my school agenda and notebook in an orderly manner.
· Complete all school assignments and turn them in on the due date.
· Take advantage of the AVID program to plan to go to college
· Communicate with my teachers regarding problems that may affect my ability to complete assignments by due date.
· Utilize school resources to receive extra support if needed in all classes.
· Meet with my counselors once each semester to develop and monitor my five year plan.
· Volunteer in my community for a minimum of 20 hours per school year.
MCHS Teachers, Counselors, and Administrator Pledge: We will
· Provide high quality curriculum and instruction
· Create a partnership with all students and their parents.
· Offer meeting times to address the needs of the parents.
· Monitor, assess, and communicate student progress with the use of the EZ Grade Pro Report every three weeks.
· Provide students and families with course expectations and grading rubrics.
· Assign work that is aligned to grade level state standards that involves problem solving, research, interpretation, reasoning, and presentations.
· Provide support for student success through school wide AVID, clubs, tutorials and other college resources.