•  E.A.G.L.E.

    We are pleased to share some information about the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program at Diamond Elementary School!  The primary goal of PBIS is to create a safe and positive environment that will support all children to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Our Diamond staff, in partnership with families and the community, is committed to creating this atmosphere for learning.

                    Show   Enthusiasm

    Have a positive Attitude

      Set purposeful Goals

                  Become Leaders

                 Put forth Effort

    The EAGLE behavioral expectations have been taught to all students and are posted throughout the school. All students will also have opportunities to earn Ernie Tickets for prizes at the Ernie Store, fun activities, lunch/classroom privileges, and the Eagle of the Week raffle (front of the lunch line, name on the marquee, the Distinguished Lunch Table).  Students who violate school rules will receive a minor (Oops! Slip) or major behavioral referral.

    We need your help to make PBIS a success! Below are some ways that you can help support us at home:

    •   Post up and review the EAGLE expectations with your child in the morning.
    •  If your child has received an Oops! Slip or major office referral, talk to your child about what happened. Review the        EAGLE expectations and discuss what he/she can do next time.
    • Ask your child how many Ernie Tickets he/she earned and find out how he/she earned these tickets. Please offer your child extra praise and reinforcement for these behaviors.
    • Create a list of home behavioral expectations using the EAGLE expectations (see sample on the back). Sit down with your child and discuss how he/she can show these behaviors at home. Create your own expectations and post them in a visible space around the house. Provide praise and recognition when your child demonstrates these behaviors at home. 
    • Help your child arrive at school on time, every day, and ready to learn.

    We value your continued dedication and support in your child’s learning. We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to review the behavioral expectations with your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the PBIS team.

    We look forward to a fantastic school year!


     Below is a link to the matrix of our expectations for all of our students.  Diamond students are to behave accordingly in different areas of our school.  Every student is expected to be a model EAGLE.

     Click Here for School-Wide Matrix