•  Library Policies
    Check-out Policy
    Books are due back 7 days after being checked out. You may renew a book if you have not finished it, but you must bring it back in to be scanned into the computer
    Patrons may check out the following number of books at a time
    Kindergarten & 1st = 1 book
    2nd - 5th Grades = 2 books
    Parents = 5 books
    Teachers = 25 books
    Forgotten Books
    Students may return their books the following day and check out new books. Teachers may not allow students to come during class time, however students can come before school or during their recess to return and check-out their books.
    Overdue Books
    You must return the overdue book(s) to resume library check-out.
    There are no fines for overdue books.  Return the overdue book/s and you may resume normal checkouts.
    Lost or Damaged Books
    Lost or damaged books must be paid for as stated in the Library Agreement.
    These are the guidelines used when selecting library materials.
Last Modified on October 28, 2020