Join the Expanded Learning or Special Education Team!
Please click on the links below to apply for job openings in the Expanded Learning or Special Education Department:
Are you interested in starting a career in youth development and working with youth. If so, join the SAUSD Expanded Learning team!
Unleash the visionary leader in you, and inspire youth, today!
Site Supervisor of Expanded Learning - 10 months
- Job Description: Site Supervisor_EXLD-20220609083602.pdf (edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net)
- Apply here:
- Application deadline: Currently Closed
Site Coordinator of Expanded Learning - 10 months (Harvey, MacArthur, Mendez, Sierra & Willard)
- Job Description: jobDescription133468116309406194 (1).pdf
- Apply here: Site Coordinator of Expanded Learning (After School Programs) -10 months at Santa Ana Unified School District | EDJOIN
- Application deadline: 10/14/2024 by 4:30PM PACIFIC TIME
After School Instructional Provider - Tk-12th Grade
- Job Description: https://edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net/jobdescriptions/513/After%20School%20Instruc.%20Provider-20140918155111.pdf
- Apply here: https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1984504
- Application deadline: 12/20/2024 by 4:30pm
Before School Instructional Provider
- Job Description: https://edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net/jobdescriptions/513/NEW%20Before-School%20Instruc.%20Provider%20JD%206-14-22-20220812173628.pdf
- Apply here:
- Application deadline: CLOSED
Expanded Learning Tutor
- Job Description: https://edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net/jobdescriptions/513/NEW_Expanded%20Learning%20Tutor%20JD-20221107143820.pdf
- Apply here: https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1993319
- Application deadline: 12/20/2024 by 4:30pm
Instructional Assistant Provider (IAP) - TK-8th Grade - (Not to exceed 19.5 hours per week)
- Job Description: https://edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net/jobdescriptions/513/New_Instructional%20Assistant%20Provider%20(IAP)%20-%20Expanded%20Learning%20Job%20Description-20220812172640.pdf
- Apply here: https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1984560
- Application deadline: 12/20/2024 by 4:30pm
Instructional Assistant Provider (IAP) - High School - (Monday through Friday/3.9 hours per day)
- Job Description: https://edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net/jobdescriptions/513/Instructional%20Assistant%20Provider%20(IAP)%20-%20HS%20ASSETs%20JD_REVISED%202022-20220817101203.pdf
- Apply here: https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1992683
- Application deadline: 12/20/2024 by 4:30pm
Educational Interpreter for the DHH of Expanded Learning (Taft)
- Job Description: SANTA ANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net)
- Apply here: Educational Interpreter for the DHH-9/5 at Santa Ana Unified School District | EDJOIN
- Application deadline: 10/10/24 by 4:30PM PACIFIC TIME
Special Education Department Openings
Instructional Assistant - Severely Disabled:
- Job Description: Click here
- Apply here:
- Application deadline:
Autism Paraprofessional:
- Job Description: Click here
- Apply here:
- Application deadline:
- Job Description: Site Supervisor_EXLD-20220609083602.pdf (edjoinprodstoragewest.blob.core.windows.net)