Science • Technology • Engineering • Art • Math
Mr. Payan
Telephone: (714) 568-7000
Currently Teaching: Math and AVID, Room 5119
Department: Mathematics
Subject: Algebra 1, Geometry, AVID
Period 1 AVID I
Period 2 Algebra 1
Period 3 Geometry
Period 4 Algebra 1
Period 5 Geometry
All mastery checkpoint tests can be retaken as many times as needed to reach your desired grade.
Retakes are done in room 5101 from 8:00 AM -8:30 AM every morning or during lunch.
Tutoring is available every day after school or at lunch.
Grades are updated daily on our canvas page and Aries. It is your responsibility to ensure that the grade reflected in Aries is accurate. If it is not, it is your responsibility to reach out to make those corrections.
Course Description on Syllabus:
Algebra 1 Syllabus & Canvas Algebra 1
Geometry Sullabus & Canvas Geometry
AVID I Syllabus & Canvas AVID I