• Please make sure that you are signed check our Parentsquare notices AND join our Classdojo!  Joining our Classdojo site allows you to see pictures of your child, events going on in the classroom, and keep up on classroom news!  Your child has a sign up QR code.

    Thank you

    Mr. Geck

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  • Suggestions from your 5th grade teacher for a SUCCESSFUL year!!



    Homework Policy:

    Homework will be given on a daily basis (Monday thru Friday)

    There will be some instances when homework will not be given because of special circumstances.  Each night your child will write their homework assignment in their homework journal.  This will help YOU to know exactly what is expected of them.  PLEASE check your child’s homework journal and their homework each night for accuracy and completion. Please initial or sign your child's journal each night.



    As stated in the school and district guidelines, there IS a school dress code enforced at Diamond School.  These rules are made in order to provide a safe, non-distracting educational atmosphere for your child. It is my sincere hope that you will make sure that your child wears their uniform each day.  There are several options for them to choose from when wearing a uniform. It is my feeling that following the uniform code strictly will promote a stronger sense of school unity, educational values, and safety.


    Accelerated Reader(AR), Khan Academy, Kodable, Quizlet

    Participation in these programs in school AND AT HOME is absolutely vital if you want your child to do well in the fifth grade.  AR requires reading at home nightly. Khan Academy, Kodable, and Quizlet  can be done in school, but an internet connection at home is highly recommended for homework activities!


    Suggested Back to School Supplies:


    Materials that will help your child succeed this year in class:

    Plastic cover sheets

    Hand held pencil sharpener

    Extra pencils/pens


    Package of glue sticks

    Colored pencils, colored markers

    ADULT size scissors



    These are not mandatory items, but they will help your student immensely!  
    Thank you  
    Mr. Geck
    Comments (-1)
Last Modified on August 30, 2023